New York Logo Design: Local Branding Guide for NYC Businesses

“I will invest in building a brand once my business starts running.”

You might have heard it from one business owner in New York or another because it is their common mindset.              

Business owners in NYC often forget that their establishment is both a business and brand while focusing on selling and marketing. Well, to be honest, ignoring brand identity can cause unnoticeable misfortune in the long run.

We admit that renowned companies have grand budgets to spend on branding or designing a logo. At this point, let’s make one thing clear, you don’t need a Michael Kors-sized bank account to shape an active branding strategy from the ground up. You can do several things to develop your business, grasp your customers’ attention, and make your business stand out among the best.

Let’s dig in to find out some local branding strategies and New York logo design ideas that will help you take your business to the next level.

Express Your Brand Identity

Your logo design describes your brand’s mission and objectives; it implies a visual invitation for your targeted customers. So, designing an appealing brand logo is one of the most crucial branding strategies.

You must express your business identity through your brand logo. Make sure to make it as visually appealing as possible. Because, in the end, it is a brand logo that attracts customers towards your business like a magnet.

6 Crucial Elements Your Brand Identity Requires

Brand Logo Design–

It’s easy to design a singular logo, but make sure that it covers all the bases, significantly optimizing how your customized New York logo design looks in different settings. This includes all approved designs of your brand logo and when and how they will be used. Some of the other essential aspects include:

·         The background color of your logo

·         Position of the logo implementation

·         Proper proportions and minimum size

·         Color variations

You can visit several websites to gather some fantastic New York logo design ideas. Not only you can pick some ideas on websites but, you might end up hiring a company to design a logo for your business.

Brand Story –

A background of who you are and what your vision is as a brand is enough for the world to know. Stating an entire story is not mandatory; however, keeping your brand in the darkness without any back story can bring your business down.

Color Palette –

Colors are the most fascinating thing in the whole wide world. It sounds exciting to choose a color for your logo design. It is wise to stick to the colors that identify your business brand in the best way possible. Make sure to pick a lighter color for backgrounds, a slightly darker shade for the text, a neutral hue, and the one that pops out.

Typography –

Fonts play an essential part in having a reliable brand identity. New York logo design typically has header and footer fonts; header fonts should be more stylized and personalized, while the body font must be more precise and more legible. Other specified elements include:

·         Leading limit

·         Kerning limit

·         Font colors to be used and when

·         Weights to be used and how 

Imagery –

You might not have a collection of images to choose from; however, you can refer to the pictures of some big brands and gather a few examples for your brand. This would give you a conceptual idea of how your brand logo would look. Create something that fits your brand.

Voice –

How you communicate with your customers through your branding is essential. Identify what voice tone perfectly fits and reflects with your business and stay consistent with using it through social media channels. Your brand voice could be formal, persuasive, jokey, or slang based on your opted industry.

Identify Your Brand Values and Mission

Your mission-vision statement is a fundamental starting and endpoint – it helps you make strategic business decisions that will eventually define your brand.

Conceptual and unclear mission statements of any business fail to maintain a competitive edge; neither of these statements motivates the employees.

Identifying your mission statement inspires customer engagement and creates a strong business differentiation. More importantly, it helps employees to figure out if they want to fit in or not. A precise mission statement should be established on:

·         Your business purposes

·         Your brand’s reason for existence

·         The change it strives to make in the world

In the meantime, your vision statement should point at what your business desires to become, ensuring that you don’t lose vision of your end goal.

Your vision should also serve as an outcome that you can test opportunities and decisions against. These include questions like:

·         How vast would you allow your company to be?

·         How soon, if at all, would you want to branch out?

·         Does a business fusion make sense for the company?

Determine your target audience

Identifying your target customers is another essential strategy of local branding. You need to be specific while choosing your audience; for this, you will have to make a targeted customer persona.

Make sure to focus on the following:

·         Single moms working from home

·         Digital marketing experts working for startups

Know your competition

Knowing your rival business competitors is just as crucial as determining your targeted audience. You must know and understand what your other businesses in your industry do to grab the customer’s attention.

Taking your customers’ feedback will allow them to see that you take your business seriously and are eager to provide them satisfactory customer service. This will also help you determine the needs of your customers.

Once you identify your competitors, you can commence the process of distinguishing from them, thereby convincing your target to pick you over them.

Final Note,

If you want your business to expand in a fast-moving city like New York, you need to establish a unique brand identity!

The most successful business is the one that has a loyal customer base. You can power up your business branding by taking small steps, such as designing a brand logo. The power of local branding should never be underestimated.
